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When it all started and starts again...

Hi everyone :D Im excited, today is one of those days where the past and the future are lingering in my brain. I'm looking back at some of my first projects, how little I knew yet so eager to learn and create. Don't get me wrong I am just as eager and keen to learn now but I guess sometimes life just takes a toll and what we love to do most takes a stand still. My goodness from 2013 when I started studying film and motion picture to now 2017, where has time gone, it feels like yesterday but at the same time ages ago.

I remember sitting in my first lecture at film school just knowing I was where I needed to be (cliche I know)... The dilemma was what skill to learn and what discipline to go into. I took acting, producing and Costume Makeup design. I was headed in the direction of majoring in acting but something just told me to go with Costume Makeup Design, I mean to be able to transform a character from imagination to life is the most incredible feeling. Going with such a spectacular discipline was truly the best decision I have ever made.

The first time I used gelatine and glycerine for fake skin. This was a student short film 'Lords of Dust'.

The aim was to recreate a mutant alien.

To sit and think, the makeup above was done four years ago makes me really realise that the older I'm getting the faster time is going. I remember my parents saying" Jordan enjoy being young time flies by". I use to think why the hell are they saying this to me, all I want is to be a gown up and do all the things we think are 'cool' at that age. I can defiantly say I now know exactly what they talking about.

I recently moved to the UK after living in SA my entire life to try make a change, especially in my career. The last 6 months since I have been here has been a bit of a chaotic blur, I've been bar tending to save my money for my visa and I guess when you stop doing what you love for a while something in you just doesn't feel right. I knew it would be hard but not this hard.

I have my visa, quit my bar tending job a month ago and now here I am getting over my fear of blogging and sharing my journey as an artist with you. Four years later, here I am in a new country, more hungry to do what I love than ever! The SFX makeup variety is endless here and when I went into London and walked into Kryolan I nearly fainted. It's a makeup artists paradise. For the first time I bought pre made fake skin made from gelatine and glycerine. I have only ever made it myself from scratch so you can imagine this was as if Christmas had come early. This is what I created with it.

This product is called Gelafix Skin by Kryolan. I coloured this with the SFX bruise colour wheel by Kryolan.

The fake blood I made from chocolate syrup, maple syrup and red food colouring. The yellow bits are mashed up banana.

As artistst I really believe we need to spread creativity and explore this crazy world through art together. My journey from then until now has been beautiful and terrifying as life is. My exploration of beauty at its finest and horror at its worst has inspired me to share my journey as SFX makeup artist and costume designer/maker with everyone. Tomorrow I start the creating creatures course with Don Lanning. To keep track of what I'm up to follow me on @sfxmakeupandcostumes and

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